Why DSM and its cryptocurrency are highly likely to become the first blockchain-based business model and cryptocurrency to go mainstream

For any business to succeed, it needs to attract adequate consumers in its target market.

To attract adequate consumers, the business has to offer quality products/services, coupled with quality customer care, all at competitive prices.

Digital Shopping Mall (DSM) is poised to achieve massive success within its first year of operations due to its revolutionary futuristic business concept that will offer high-quality products and services from the global supplier base, all at their (suppliers') preferred fiat currencies, to its global clientele base almost for free, thanks to DSM's revolutionary preordering technology powered by DSM's digital shopping points (DSPs), its decentralized Hyperledger Besu private blockchain technology that affords global reach, zero transaction costs, highest privacy, security, transparency, and a trustless business environment where the whole DSM business model is automated through blockchain smart contracts, and an AI-powered business assistant to ensure top-notch customer services and location of a prospective buyer's sought products and services.

Blockchain technology is the new kid in town that offers the best business environment in terms of business logistics, reaching out to a global clientele base, trustless business automation through smart contracts, and more secure and cheaper ways to store and spend your money through cryptocurrency wallets, just to name a few.

Due to its nascent nature, many established businesses have not yet adopted the technology, apparently due to the high regulatory and business risks involved in any new technology.

Their limited adoption makes the market width and depth of their cryptocurrencies too shallow to ensure price stability, resulting in wild price fluctuations that deter both businesses and people from using them.

As a result, most players in the blockchain-based businesses currently are either scammers who want to steal from unsuspecting customers or investors, or risk-takers with no viable business model, who want to capitalize on the blockchain bandwagon.

This is the main reason why we don't have well-established blockchain-based businesses thus far and cryptocurrencies that have managed to go mainstream, despite the many benefits blockchain-based businesses and cryptocurrencies have compared to their traditional counterparties.

To succeed in blockchain-based business in the current environment where more than 99% of people don't use blockchain-based technologies and their cryptocurrencies, you need to have a viable and revolutionary business model that, despite being powered by blockchain technology, does not need people to embrace the new technology.

DSM is poised to be that business. It is designed such that neither suppliers nor buyers who will participate in our shopping mall will need to be savvy with the technology or even know we are using it.

Suppliers will be able to sell their products and services in bulk, all at their preferred fiat currencies. DSM will agree to buy wholesale from them at their preferred fiat currencies.

Prospective buyers will need to have digital shopping points (DSP) to be able to preorder or buy products and services within the mall. They can buy the points directly from DSM by paying with fiat currencies, hence they don't need to hold digital shopping coins (DSC).

DSPs will be non-transferable and cannot be traded on crypto exchanges. They are exclusively for their holders to preorder or purchase products and services within the mall, making them secure from theft and insulating DSC from dumping in the crypto exchanges.

Prospective buyers will be motivated to buy DSPs  because it is the only way to buy products and services at deep discounts not available elsewhere, thanks to our smart pre-ordering process powered by blockchain technology. 

For example, if the product's or service's current DSM selling price is $1,800, prospective buyers can pre-order it by reserving with DSPs worth only $18, which represents 100 times reduction on the current price (99% discount).  

When prospective buyers worldwide buy DSPs worth $18 in order to pre-order this product or service, the price of DSC in the market will rise, which will, in turn, raise the price of DSP since the DSP has the same price applicable to the DSC. This means the DSPs worth $18 used to pre-order the product or service will reach the value of $1,800 as the price of DSC keeps on rising and empowers the pre-orderer to buy such product or service with only $18 used to pre-order the product or service. 

Preorderers will have a menu with a range of price-cut options to choose from, with the highest option offering over a 99% discount off the prevailing market prices.

If a prospective buyer does not want to wait for the price of DSC to rise before making a purchase, they can choose to preorder at the current DSC exchange rate. This option still offers them a great deal not available in the retail market because DSM arranges to buy from suppliers in bulk, resulting in lower DSM selling prices compared to retail prices.

Yet, our members will be paid:

1. Sponsorship commissions for each product or service they become the first to recommend in our shopping mall until the total sponsorship commissions per product/service recommended reach $100,000. This has never been done before. 

2. Affiliate sponsorship commissions for each product/service recommended by their referrals 10 levels deep. 

3. Affiliate purchase commissions for products/services bought by their referrals 10 levels deep. 

4. Affiliate ad revenue commissions for ads purchased or consumed by their referrals 10 levels deep. 

5. DSM Founding Members will share the spoils of 10% of DSM's monthly revenue based on their Founding Membership ratio, which is inheritable to their heirs. We will run at least a 3-year campaign to invite people to join DSM when our social media component and our affiliate program are ready to go. It is a free opportunity where each verified member you invited will earn you 1 DSP, which will have an initial value of $10,000 when the points are issued to the public. 1 billion DSPs will be allocated for Founding Membership opportunities. 

Members' commissions are paid in DSPs, which can only be used for free shopping within the DSM ecosystem. This enhances the value of their passive income as DSPs empower them to purchase products and services at up to more than 99% off retail prices. Additionally, the exclusive in-mall shopping feature of DSPs drives demand for goods and services offered within the DSM mall.

There is no business model in the world that creates such a win-win-win-win scenario for suppliers, consumers, those seeking passive income, and the business itself.

How do we arrive at the valuation of our coin?

The value of a currency is determined by the forces of supply and demand for that currency.

While the supply of DSC is fixed at 10 billion coins, its demand is likely to keep growing as more quality products and services are added to the mall, allowing buyers to buy them almost for free as explained above.

Its absolute maximum quantity of 10 billion coins makes it a non-inflationary currency, unlike fiat and other cryptocurrencies that have no limit on the quantity of their currencies, which makes them inflationary.

Here is how we arrive at DSC initial valuation of $10,000 per coin:

We will set the initial price of our cryptocurrency on crypto exchanges at $10,000 per coin. Only the DSM will have DSCs, which can be traded on crypto exchanges when the initial deal is set. The rest will have DSCs in form of DSPs, which cannot be traded on crypto exchanges. Those who buy DSCs from crypto exchanges cannot rationally sell them below the price they paid to acquire them. This will ensure that the price of DSC does not trade below $10,000.

We have the capacity to mint any amount of DSCs and set any initial price we want, because people will still want them to buy products and services almost for free, as explained above.

Our members will purchase DSPs directly from the mall or convert their bought DSCs into DSPs before they can use them to pre-order or purchase products and services within the mall.

Once a DSC is converted to a DSP, it cannot be converted back to DSC.

The bottom line is that we have a disruptive business model that will drive the value of our coin higher, regardless of the quantity or price of our coin in the market.

In fact, we could even mint 100 billion coins and set the initial price per coin to be $100K. Still, our business model will work to raise the value of our coin even higher!

Based on the above explanations, I hope you can see the justification of the quantity of DSC we are planning to mint (10 billion) and its initial price ($10,000).

You can also see why DSM's blockchain and DSC are highly likely to become the first blockchain-based business model and cryptocurrency to go mainstream now that DSC's non-inflationary, lucrative business model, zero cost transactio fees, and price stability attributes make it the the ideal currency to assume the roles of money as a store of value and a medium of exchange.


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