The magic global online shop you all need

Digital Shopping Mall (DSM) is set to become the only shop you need to purchase products and services at a fraction of the cost, thanks to our disruptive smart pre-ordering software. We are developing the world's first debt-free leveraged purchasing aid where you will be able to pre-order at 100 times less than the prevailing retail prices, thanks to our revolutionary smart pre-ordering technology powered by our cryptocurrency and blockchain's smart contracts. For example, you can save up to 99% on a yacht priced at $500 million by pre-ordering it only with $5 million! This is possible because our groundbreaking business model is designed to propel the value of our digital shopping points (DSPs) that are used to purchase products and services in advance higher and hence increase their value. In the yacht example above, your DSPs worth $5 million could become worth $500 million quite quickly, as millions, if not billions, of people worldwide buy DSPs to use them to pre-order ...