The first phase of our decentralized digital shopping mall

The world's first decentralized digital shopping mall that will empower consumers to buy products and services almost for free, thanks to its revolutionary preordering technology, is in the making.

We are finalizing DSM's first phase, which is the inauguration of its social media website, where members will be paid  revenue share 10 levels deep. 

Each ad viewed on your homepage in our social media platform earns you ad revenue share, in addition to paying ad revenue commissions to your sponsors, as well as to the sponsors of  purchasers of social media website's premium services up to 10 levels.

More than 99% of social media users don't make money on their content shared in social media websites because you need to be an influencer to be able to monetize your content. 

With our ad revenue sharing program, everyone has an opportunity to participate through our partnership program. Each ad view or click on your homepage (wall) will earn you ad revenue share, depending on whether ad revenue is shared per view or per click. Invite others using your personal invitation link, and you'll gain the opportunity to share part of their generated ad revenue for 10 generations. 

The launch of our DSM social media website will be in tandem with the launch of our Founding Membership opportunities, where Founding Members will be rewarded with Digital Shopping Points (DSPs) that can be spent to preorder for products and services on our mall, as well as sharing the spoils of 10% of DSM monthly revenues based on their Founding Membership ratio, which is inheritable to their heirs.

The DSM software specifications have already been prepared in a Word document and an Excel file that automates all core transactions inherent in the business model, so that blockchain-based smart contracts can be scripted by DSM's blockchain specialist and programmer, who together with the inventor of DSM's revolutionary e-commerce business model are the lead co-founders of DSM.


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