Why you should add DSPs in your asset portfolio now and not later

The only way to secure your wealth is to optimize the diversification of your asset portfolio.

Digital Shopping Point (DSP), the digital voucher of Digital Shopping Mall (DSM), is simply the best form of asset you need to include in your diversification basket.


It is destined to become the most valuable asset in the world, thanks to its tokenomics that afford an unprecedented win-win-win-win scenario among suppliers, consumers, passive income earners, and DSM itself.

Suppliers are empowered to penetrate their target market fully, thanks to DSM's preordering software that empowers buyers and suppliers to purchase products and services at prices up to 100 times lower than market prices. Additionally, DSM's affiliate program empowers its members to earn passive income, which is used to do free shopping in the mall.

The free shopping, coupled with the least available prices in the market, will make our members prefer to buy in DSM. This provides a powerful loyalty strategy that may force suppliers who don't do business with us to have no option but close their businesses, as many people flock to shop on DSM worldwide.

Currently, there is a greatest ground-floor opportunity  to bag DSPs at a throwaway price of $0.1 per DSP compared to its set initial price of $10,000 per DSP once DSM preordering software is debuted, which is likely to be anytime within two years from now (up to the end of 2025). 

Coupled with ability to preorder products and services in the mall at prices 100 times lesser than their market prices, this makes your DSP bought for only $0.1 to have a purchasing power potential of up to $1 million once DSM preordering software is debuted!

The DSP tokenomics will ensure that the price of DSP does not fall below $10,000. They will ensure a continuous exponential growth in the value of DSP from its floor price of $10,000. 

It's worth noting that, all else being equal, a capital gain ( a gain not derived from value-adding activity) implies a transfer of wealth from one party to another. Therefore, it is a sound economic strategy to diversify your wealth portfolio by acquiring DSPs at this opportune time, so that you should not lose your wealth when the value of DSP increases rapidly.

For more information about DSM and its ground-floor opportunity, read here. 


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